1 Corinthians 11:17-34

Teaching @Heritage
Teaching @Heritage
1 Corinthians 11:17-34

Title: “The Lord’s Supper”

This morning I have prepared a short message (a sermonette, if you will) to explain the second sacrament that we, as Baptist regularly observe.  Just as last week when we looked at baptism, today I want to take a close look at the Lord’s Supper so that we, as a church can understand the following issues:

Questions we will answer:

What are the different views of the Lord’s Supper, and which one are we?
Why “The Lord’s Supper” and not “Communion”?
How do we distribute the supper?
What is the point of the sacrament?

First Reading:  11:17-22

There were big problems at Corinth!
They were not unified, especially between classes.

POINT:  The Lord’s Supper is a service of unity within a local church.

Three Different Views:

Transubstantiation (Catholic)  When the priest blesses the bread and cup, it literally turns into the body and blood of Christ.
Consubstantiation (Lutheran)  The bread and cup don’t change, but Christ is present in the elements.
Memorial (Baptist)  This is a SYMBOL.  We focus on the words “Do this in remembrance of me.”

Why not “Communion”?

“Communion signifies a Roman Catholic understanding of the sacrament, and in a effort to separate themselves from this line of theology, the Baptists began calling it “The Lord’s Supper.”
I don’t care what you call it, as long as you understand what it is.

How do we distribute the Lord’s Supper?

Close communion
Why?  Focusing on Paul’s commands, “let a man examine himself” (v.28)

What is the point of the Sacrament?

To unify the body in Christ.
The call to memory the sacrifice of Christ.
To proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes.


(Administer the supper)