Ephesians 1:10-12

Teaching @Heritage
Teaching @Heritage
Ephesians 1:10-12

(text and audio)

Title: The 3 “IN HIMS”


It’s really hard, especially after three weeks off, to pick back up at verse 10 because it’s right in the middle of a profound thought that Paul is putting forth, so let’s read the entire thought (verses 7-12).


The First “IN HIM” (v.7-9)

We looked at this in depth a few weeks ago, and I don’t want to re-preach that entire message, but let’s quickly look at my concluding thought and summation.

Here is my paraphrase of verses 7-9 from the last sermon:

“Jesus has LAVISHED UPON US ABUNDANTLY, by giving us both PRACTICAL WISDOM and INSIGHT and we know this because we both UNDERSTAND AND ACCEPT THE GOSPEL and can find direction for life’s matters IN SCRIPTURE because he’s ILLUMINATED our minds.  HE did this because it made him happy.”

So the first bookend is about all the things Jesus has done FOR US.

Verses 7,8,9 “IN HIM” is about what we have because of His blessings to us.  (Salvation, wisdom, insight, illumination, etc.)

The Third “IN HIM” (v11-12)

11 In Him also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will, 12 that we who first trusted in Christ should be to the praise of His glory.

The last bookend is also about what Jesus has done FOR US:

  1. Inheritance (Riches and glory, because we share in our Father’s fortune as adopted sons and daughters)
  2. Being Predestined (Chosen BY the Father, to BECOME the sons and daughters BEFORE we had done anything good or bad.)
  3. According to the purpose of him (We play a part in HIS grand design, to reflect HIS glory because we are the living example of his power of redemption.)
  4. That we who first trusted…(Those this early church might spark the great work that would lead all to his glory.) Remember who Paul is speaking to: original audience.

The Second “IN HIM”  (v.10)

Jesus is brining two worlds together…in due time.

NASB translation of verse 10

(Jesus is doing all of this) with a view to an administration suitable to the fullness of the times, that is, the summing up of all things in Christ, things in the heavens and things on the earth.

Verse 10 “IN HIM”  Is about all things, both in heaven and earth, are moving toward an end goal of all things being “brought together” to reveal Christ’s glory.

In other words, the things in the heavens (Holy and Pure things) will come together with the things of earth (the tainted things) and JESUS will bring ALL OF THAT together for HIS GLORY and HIS MEANS and HIS PURPOSES.


  1. We were not chosen randomly.
  2. We are part of something much bigger than us.
  3. The gifts we are given by Christ are so that ALL THINGS will reflect Christ’s glory.

Meditation:  (Western Meditation, not Eastern) is to THINK INTENSELY upon something.

What do these three thoughts to do your Meditation?