Ephesians 2:7

Teaching @Heritage
Teaching @Heritage
Ephesians 2:7

(text and audio)

Title: What is at stake?

Intro: Obviously, verse seven completes the thought that Paul begins in verse 6, namely, that Christ accomplishes the “Three Togethers” that we discussed last week…

…that we are made to “be raised up together, made to sit together, and made to sit in the heavenly places together” 


“…in the ages to come He might show the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness toward us in Christ Jesus.”

What, precisely, might this mean?

Matthew Henry:

With respect to others: That in the ages to come, that he might give a specimen and proof of his great goodness and mercy, for the encouragement of sinners in future time. 

Observe, The goodness of God in converting and saving sinners is a proper encouragement to others in after-time to hope in his grace and mercy, and to apply themselves to these. 

God having this in his design, poor sinners should take great encouragement from it. And what may we not hope for from such grace and kindness, from riches of grace, to which this change is owing? Through Christ Jesus, by and through whom God conveys all his favor and blessings to us.

PB’s Simple Paraphrase:

WE (the saved) BECOME the living embodiment of HOPE FOR SINNERS.  

Let’s dwell in that thought for a moment…

I know that we know this concept.  We share the gospel and our personal testimony of salvation intertwined because the Gospel is the message of hope and our testimony is the personal attestation of proof that the Gospel works, right? We get that?

So…Therefore…I MUST, as your pastor, compel you with a difficult question:

Today, in 2020, what types of behaviors from Christians attract non-believers to the Gospel?

  1. Nonjudgmental
  2. Optimistic
  3. Kind/Hospitable
  4. Humor
  5. Transparency/Realness
  6. Others?

Today, in 2020, what types of behaviors from Christians drive non-believers away from the Gospel?

  1. Judmentalism
  2. Pessimistic
  3. Stranger Danger!
  4. Joyless
  5. Plastic
  6. Others?

The $25,000 question is:  What is at stake?  What happens if we dwell in that second list and not the first list?

So the $50,000 question becomes:  How do we, day to day, DWELL in that first list, and avoid that second list?

While you are thinking about that second question, let me offer this:  In his commentary on Ephesians, author and theologian Chuck Smith weighs in with some powerful thoughts

Now the glorious future that awaits us, as Paul prayed in chapter 1, where Paul prayed that they might know what is the hope of their calling. God has called you to be His child. You know what that means? That means throughout the endless ages to come you are going to be dwelling with God in His eternal kingdom as God is revealing unto you the exceeding richness of His mercy and of His kindness towards you through Christ Jesus.

The psalmist said, “As high as the heavens are above the earth, so high is God’s mercies towards those who fear Him.” And God throughout eternity is going to be revealing the exceeding greatness of His mercy and of His kindness, these things that He has given and provided and done for you through Jesus Christ. You will never discover it all. Eternity isn’t long enough. Throughout all eternity, God’s grace and love and mercy being revealed.

Let’s return to that $50,000 question:

How do we, day to day, DWELL in that first list, and avoid that second list?

Live in joyful appreciation AND anticipation.

Stay rooted in the Word, Fellowship, and Accountability. 

Remember what is at stake.  (This is bigger than you, and your “desire” to be grumpy, or distant, or snarky.)

You are not your own.  (You belong to Christ, are his ambassador and representative for the ONLY hope mankind has.)

Live in Victory!