Ephesians 6:16

Teaching @Heritage
Teaching @Heritage
Ephesians 6:16

(Audio/Video and Text Available)

Title: The Armor of God, Part 5


The Shield of Faith

“in addition to all”  or “above all” “or “chiefly”

Why is Faith elevated to this “above all” prestigious position?

(Take answers)

(Think of it this way:  if you could have ONE piece of this armor when arrows are raining down, what would you choose?  What if you could either have the shield ONLY, or every other piece of armor but no shield?)

Matthew Henry:

Faith must be our shield: Above all, or chiefly, taking the shield of faith, v. 16. This is more necessary than any of them. Faith is all in all to us in an hour of temptation. 

The breast-plate secures the vitals; but with the shield we turn every way. This is the victory over the world, even our faith. We are to be fully persuaded of the truth of all God’s promises and threatenings, such a faith being of great use against temptations. 

Faith, as receiving Christ and the benefits of redemption, so deriving grace from him, is like a shield, a sort of universal defense. Our enemy the devil is here called the wicked one. He is wicked himself, and he endeavors to make us wicked. His temptations are called darts, because of their swift and undiscerned flight, and the deep wounds that they give to the soul.

Violent temptations, by which the soul is set on fire of hell, are the darts which Satan shoots at us. Faith is the shield with which we must quench these fiery darts, wherein we should receive them, and so render them ineffectual, that they may not hit us, or at least that they may not hurt us.


Notice we do not see anywhere that being a Christian does not mean that Satan will somehow not fire upon us.  (Some Christians seemed surprised when they are fired upon.)

Notice we do not see anywhere that these arrows will not hit us.  Many of them will, for the enemy takes deadly aim.  The key is to be ready:  Armor on, Shield up.

Notice the the shield of faith is both the FIRST line of defense, and the BEST line of defense.  Why do you think that is?  Why is Faith so vital in this spiritual warfare?

Chuck Smith on the nature of these “darts”

It is by means of the shield of faith that we are able to quench all the fiery darts of the devil.

1. It seems that Satan is constantly throwing his fiery darts of doubt at us.

2. He seeks to get us to doubt the word of God.

a. He said to Eve, “Hath God said?” Is this really God’s word.

b. Many have been destroyed by this fiery dart.

c. God has given to us many rich and precious promises, by which we can become partakers of the diving nature.

d. Satan tries to get you to doubt your salvation. Many come to me tormented by these thoughts.

e. You must make up your mind whether to believe the word of God or the lies of Satan.


I will not be arrogant.  I will not tell myself “If I remain nimble and light on my feet, I can dodge the arrows.  I do not need either shield nor armor, I’m clever enough to not get hit.”

I will not be cowardly.  I will not run from the battle, or be a deserter.  I will trust in the armor and shield that the Master has crafted for me, I will wear it as prescribed, I will stand my ground.  When the attack comes I will raise my shield, absorbing the best the Devil has, and, by the Master’s grace, will stand for His Glory.

I will not be presumptuous.  I will not “upgrade” the armor.  I will not assume I know more that God about how to withstand the enemy.  I will not trust in myself to fashion better, newer armor over the timeless quality of armor of God.