Ephesians 6:19

Teaching @Heritage
Teaching @Heritage
Ephesians 6:19

(Audio/Video and Text Available)

Title: Paul’s Fascinating Prayer Request


19 and pray in my behalf, that speech may be given to me in the opening of my mouth, to make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel…

Paul asks that the believers lift him up in prayer, so that he will be given the words to say

I find this fascinating for a few reasons:

  1. Paul was an incredibly articulate writer and speaker.  Unlike Peter, Paul was trained from a young age, by Gamaliel, on how to argue and present the Law.  
  2. Paul’s own Father was a Pharisee, and most likely had a huge influence on Paul’s development.  
  3. Paul was not someone who lacked confidence, and yet, here he is, asking the Church to lift him up in prayer and open his mouth with the words to say.

This is a completely Biblical thought, with a lot of support verses:

Luke 21:14-15 ESV

Settle it therefore in your minds not to meditate beforehand how to answer, for I will give you a mouth and wisdom, which none of your adversaries will be able to withstand or contradict.

Luke 12:11-12 ESV

And when they bring you before the synagogues and the rulers and the authorities, do not be anxious about how you should defend yourself or what you should say, for the Holy Spirit will teach you in that very hour what you ought to say.”

Jeremiah 1:9 ESV

Then the Lord put out his hand and touched my mouth. And the Lord said to me, “Behold, I have put my words in your mouth.”

Moment of Confession from PB:

Let me attempt to share how this is so crucial to keep me from me:

I am a quick thinker.  (Not necessarily a good thinker, but definitely quick witted.)    A good friend of mine once described my relationship with Mary as a crock pot and microwave.

My favorite 5-10 each week in ministry is the Q/A and the end of the sermon.  I like fielding and attempting to answer questions on the fly.  I truly enjoy it.

This gift is both a blessing and a curse.

Where do you think this gift can get me into trouble?

(don’t do the leg work, rely on wit instead of wisdom)

I can be tempted to say, “I’ll figure it out when I get there.”

I don’t think critically to anticipate how others MIGHT object or have questions.

(Richard Owen Roberts technique, John Piper presents “objections” at the end of his sermons, plays devil’s advocate.)

This teaching forces two important questions for us at HBC:

1.  Do we put this practice into place here at Heritage?

“Lord, remove from me any agenda contrary to that which you would have me speak.”

“Lord let me be a conduit to your agenda this morning.”

2.  Do YOU pray for the “opening of the mouth” for both PB and PJ?


Paul Asks Specifically for BOLDNESS to make known (unravel) the MYSTERIES of the Gospel:

  1. Again, this is fascinating to me.  Paul does not strike me as NOT bold.  So why does he ask for this?

2.    Is there are “wrong” type of boldness?  (Westboro Baptist Church?  Mark Driscoll punching himself on stage)

3.  What are the dangers of this type of boldness?

Therefore, it is essential that we pray for, and use the RIGHT type of boldness.

What are the mysteries of the Gospel that Paul is praying about to unravel?

  1.   That God exists and actually cares about YOU.
  2.   The essential event of the death/burial/resurrection of Christ.
  3.   Why does evil even exist, let alone thrive?
  4.   Why would he chose ME?
  5.   Others?

Now, here’s what I’ll say about ALL of these questions above:

  1. They are hard questions.
  2. They are necessary questions.
  3. They are ALL answered in Scripture.

$25,000 questions to close:

What is the at the root of Paul’s prayer request?

Utter Humility