Ephesians 6:5-6 Part Two

Teaching @Heritage
Teaching @Heritage
Ephesians 6:5-6 Part Two

(Audio/Video and Text Available)

Title: Slaves and Masters:  Part Two: Application


5 Slaves, be obedient to those who are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in the sincerity of your heart, as to Christ; 6 not by way of eye-service, as people-pleasers, but as slaves of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart.

  1. Obedience in fear and trembling

The first thing Paul offers is the instruction to be obedient in fear and trembling.

Q:  Fear and trembling of what?

A:  Consequence

Q:  Consequence of what?

A:  Earthly consequences

A2:  Eternal consequences

2.  Obedience in sincerity of heart

Q:  What does obedience NOT in sincerity of heart look like?

A:  “Lip-service”  going through the motions (eye-rolls afterwards)

(Hospice lunch bunch and the gravity of complaining)

3.  As to Christ

Q:  Why does Paul offer this reminder?

A:  So that we “see through” the immediate obedience (earthly) and understand the eternal obedience (to Christ)…Therefore: obedience to earthly masters IS obedience to Christ.

4.  Not by way of eye-service, as people pleasers

Q:  What might an adult “teacher’s pet” look like in the work place?

A:  Insincerity in devotion.  Inauthentic Enthusiasm.  

Q:  What is the danger of being a people pleaser versus a God pleaser?

A:  We start to desire the benefits of people (gifts) instead of desiring the Christ (the gift giver.)

5.  As slaves of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart

Q:  What is the opposite of this command?

A:  As slaves of men, doing the will of self from the flesh.

Q:  In showing our masters such honor, how are we showing God honor?

A:  By demonstrating that we truly believe we are NOT our own, our obedience to our earthly masters resonates our obedience to our heavenly father.

Close with Packer Overview Quote

JI Packer’s Brilliant Summation

“Slaves follow the example of Christ through obedience submission.  All believers are called to share Christ’s humiliation and sufferings in this age, in order to be exalted and glorified with Him in the next.” (Rom. 8:17)

“Paul is not interested in making anyone’s share of suffering greater than it has to be.  He also does not pretend there is an easy route around it.  As slaves serve the exalted Christ, and not merely an earthly master, they do so in the new reality inaugurated by Christ.” (2 Cor. 5:17)

Paul would insist that being owned by Christ makes all other definitions of our personhood irrelevant;  “You were bought at a price; do not become slaves of men”  (1 Cor. 7:23)

By rendering ungrudging service to their true heavenly owner, slaves can work not for their value in the marketplace, but for their value toto the One who poured out His own life for them.
