Hebrews 2:1-4

Teaching @Heritage
Teaching @Heritage
Hebrews 2:1-4

The Logic Argument for Taking Jesus Seriously


Augustin, Martin Luther, John Wesley, C.S. Lewis (Picture)

Anyone know what they all have in common?

They were broken into a moment of surrender by logic and rationale in the book of Romans.

Personal question of pure curiosity:  do you think I was broken by logic or emotion?  

“For this reason”

I know it’s been four Sundays since we’ve been in Hebrews, so I’ll just offer a brief reminder of what the argument of chapter one is/was:

Jesus Christ is superior to the Angels in every way.

He is NOT an angel himself.

The Angels are created beings, Jesus, like the Father, always was.

While the Angels are certainly important, Jesus has been given (and fulfilled) SINGULAR tasks, making him both superior and singularly unique, and…

(here’s the key):

Jesus is worthy of the same praise as God the Father.  The Angels are not.

“We must pay much closer attention…”

The words of Jesus, recorded by the apostles and eye witnesses to the apostles, are Inerrant, and timeless.

The Author of Hebrews is telling the believers to study and commit to memory the words and deeds of Jesus.

A summary of the author’s logic:  Part One (v.2)

In the past, we have taken very seriously the words and prophecy, spoken by angels and other heavenly creatures. In fact, our forefathers feared greatly the punishment that righteously came from acts of disobedience. Some of these punishments may seem harsh, but they drove home the seriousness and holiness of God and his word.

4 Examples of “harsh” (Just) punishment:

  1. Uzzah and the Ark
  2. Moses and the Stone
  3. David and Bathsheba’s first child
  4. NT:  Ananias and the offering lie
  5. Any Others?

A summary of the author’s logic:  Part Two: (v3)

We cannot possibly hope to escape even greater punishment, if we neglect the greatest gift that God has given us, the gift of salvation. 

This gift was spoken through the Lord Jesus Christ, (whom I’ve gone to great lengths to illustrate the superiority of in the previous chapter.)

And then these words and deeds of Jesus were confirmed by those who heard, the apostles, and the eyewitnesses to the apostles.

A final crescendo overwhelming Logic

(Picture of final scene of End Game)

Do you know why I think this battle scene is so amazing?

Read v.4

Think of Nicodemus and Jesus in John 3:2

this man came to Jesus at night and said to Him, “Rabbi, we know that You have come from God as a teacher; for no one can do these signs that You do unless God is with him.”

Review:  By what power did Jesus rise from the grave?

This is the same logic the author of Hebrews is using in verse 4

God, the father testified to both the apostles, and the work of Jesus, in that he allowed signs and wonders and miracles and gifts of the Holy Spirit to come upon them. None of this would have been possible without the authorization and blessing of God the father. This is the simple logic that brought Nicodemus to Christ. It is the same logic that should bring us to Christ.

Closing Thought:

This is really about data and belief.

So if we are to submit what to what the author of Hebrews is saying here, this is really a question of data. The data, or information is in front of us. 

The real question is, do we believe that the data is accurate. 

If we do, if we are compelled to submit to that, then logically we have no choice, but to submit to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, because we know that he never would’ve been able to do and say the things that he did, most notably rise from the grave, if not for the endorsement and blessing of God, the father.
