Hebrews 4:16

Teaching @Heritage
Teaching @Heritage
Hebrews 4:16

Title: We should do WHAT???

Intro: Have any of you ever been asked to do something so shocking, so ridiculous that your initial reaction was “I must have misunderstood you, can you repeat that?”

16 Therefore let’s approach the throne of grace with confidence, 

so that we may receive mercy and find grace for help at the time of our need.

The final “Therefore” of chapter 4 is a snowball effect.

(A Summary of the main points we’ve covered from Hebrews 4:12-15)

The Scriptures are living and active…

The Scriptures are also an instrument of incomparable precision, able to pierce men, and divide soul and spirt in revealing Truth.

No one is hidden from God’s sight, we will answer to Him for every single thing we’ve ever thought, done, or withheld. 

THEREFORE (number one)

We have a savior that we can relate to, because he was tempted in all ways, as we are, yet did not sin.

THEREFORE (number two)

  1. Let’s approach the throne of Grace with confidence.
  2. So that we may receive mercy and find grace for help at the time of our need.

Approaching the Throne of Grace With Confidence

The Greek phrase here is proserchomai meta 

Literally, “let us come boldly to the throne of grace”  

(many of our English translations phrase it this way)

PB’s question:  

How DARE we, lowly, wretched sinners, come BOLDLY?  WITH CONFIDENCE? to the THRONE of the MOST HIGH GOD?

He is the creator/ruler/sustainer of the universe, we have just been reminded by the author in 4:13 that NOTHING is hidden from him, EVERYONE will give account for their actions, and we know our actions are that of wretched, rebellious, vile sinners…

So how in the world can this same author tell us to approach God’s throne boldly with confidence?

Should we not rather come groveling, tale between our legs, thankful for even a scrap from the masters table?

(Take answers)

The Answer:

The Answer in a Word:  


The Answer in a Sentence:  

We are commanded to “come boldly” because it makes MUCH of JESUS. Our confidence in the approach is certainly NOT about us…(If it is, we are doomed)…rather, it is about the greatness of Christ’s final sacrifice as the Great High Priest to span the miles long gap between our fallenness and God’s eternal glory.

If we DO NOT “come boldly” what does that say about our faith and confidence that Jesus’s work is complete?

It INSULTS Jesus to approach the THRONE without boldness!

(Boldness is not arrogance, it is confidence)

Chuck Smith:

How can I ever come boldly to the throne of grace except through Jesus Christ? Dare you come boldly to the throne of grace asking God to accept your works or to reward you for what you have done? “Lord, look what I’ve done for You this week. Now I’d like to receive my rewards today.” 

No, I’ll tell you, I can only come to God through Jesus Christ. I don’t dare come to God on my own. But through Him I come boldly, because my great High Priest understands my weaknesses. He was tempted just like I am. That’s why He is able to help me in my time of temptation.

So, I come boldly to the throne of grace, not to the justice bar of God to receive the works’ rewards. I don’t come to the paymaster to get my pay for the work I’ve done, but I come to the throne of grace.

Receiving mercy and finding grace in the time of need

Smith makes an excellent point at the end of the last quote:

“I don’t come to the paymaster to get my pay for the work I’ve done, but I come to the throne of grace.”

The throne we approach is of grace, where we find mercy (a gift unearned, we do not deserve it at all) and it is there that we find the help (salvation, sanctification, sustaining, training, fellowship, hope, endurance, etc.) that we need to do the work we are called to do.

Is there a more beautiful thought to be held?

Final Thought:  Rubber Meets the Road

What does it look like to approach the throne of grace boldly with confidence?

(take answers)

  1. Pray BIG prayers to a HUGE God.
  2. Pray believing HE hears you.
  3. Pray believing the answer is coming.
  4. Pray in confidence that either your prayer will be answered, resulting in praise and satisfaction, or that it WON’T, resulting in trust in HIS timing.  (Ecc. 3:11).
  5. Others? 
