Hebrews 4:3-5 Part Two

Teaching @Heritage
Teaching @Heritage
Hebrews 4:3-5 Part Two

The Rest


It’s a good think we left these last two questions for today, they are whoppers.

“Rest Slide Illustrations” 

3 For we who have believed enter that rest, just as He has said,

“As I swore in My anger,
They certainly shall not enter My rest,”

although His works were finished from the foundation of the world.

 4 For He has said somewhere concerning the seventh day: “And God rested on the seventh day from all His works”; 

5 and again in this passage, “They certainly shall not enter My rest.”

Five Questions We Will Answer Over the Next Two Weeks:

1.  What is God’s Rest?

2.  Who is the “we who have believed”?

3.  Why do some NOT enter?

4.  What does it mean that His works were finished from the foundation of the world?

5.  What is the Significance of the reference to Genesis 2:2 where God rests on the seventh day?

4.  What does it mean that His works were finished from the foundation of the world?

(If you might indulge me for just a moment, I’d like to start with an odd thought.)

It’s important for us today to understand a subtle, but important distinction concerning Sovereignty.

As humans, we think in a linear fashion, by our nature.

As you get older, time tends to go faster.  When you turn 5, the world seems very different, you have just added 20% to your life’s experiences.  But when you go from 52 to 53 the change isn’t even noticeable.

But God created time, He is not bound to it, or by it.  And, because of this, He can declare things to be so, even though the event in time has not yet happened.

We must resist the urge to think that what God is saying is “It’s as good as done, I guarantee it!”

When the author of Hebrews states that “His works were finished from the foundation of the world” he is, in fact reminding us of God’s absolute sovereignty, but maybe not in they way we think.

The author is not saying, “Once God puts his plan in motion, there is no force strong enough to sway that plan, therefore it’s as good as done.”  (This is indeed a true statement, but it’s not the aspect of God’s sovereignty he’s stressing.)

What the author is saying is, “God is sovereign over time.  He created it.  Time answers to Him, and not vice versa.  God’s plan is already complete, he’s written the ending of the story.  

(Jamie what’s the ending?)

There is no mystery to God’s understanding, there is no big reveal, there is no “No, Luke, I am your Father.”  

(Although, as I write these words it is not lost on my that God is indeed the Apostle Luke’s Father…as well as several other saved men named Luke, to be sure.)

Time only factors in so that we, as linear creatures, for now, can understand the idea of cause and effect, decision and consequence.

In other words, our view of God’s majesty and glory is far too simplistic and basic.  This is why Yahweh says to Moses, “Tell them I AM has sent you”  (Exodus 3:14).  There is nothing like God, there is nothing to compare him to. He is singular.


So what is the connection between all of this and the original question:

What does it mean that His works were finished from the foundation of the world?

This is about appointment:  some are appointed to rest, others are not

Do we know who is and who isn’t?  

No. Therefore, this has no bearing on our evangelism.

Just as the Father’s works have already been written, ONLY He knows who will and who will not respond the call of evangelism. 

Ephesians 1:4  Just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we would be holy and blameless before Him. 


We evangelize to everyone.

We share information, the Holy Spirit may or may not convict…may God be glorified in both situations.

Final Question:  What is the Significance of the reference to Genesis 2:2 where God rests on the seventh day?

I think it’s important to note WHEN God first rests.  When rest is introduced as a concept in the Holy Scriptures.  If you are anything like me, if I’m working on a big project, I will often set little goals with little rewards. 

(I’ll write the introduction to the report tonight, and then I’ll have a bowl of ice cream, scroll on my phone, and I’ll tackle the first section of the paper tomorrow.)

That is simply not the pattern we see in Genesis 2:2

Matthew Henry offers 3 important observations:

(1.) From God’s finishing his work of creation, and so entering into his rest:  

Appointing our first parents to rest the seventh day, to rest in God. Now as God finished his work, and then rested from it, and acquiesced in it, so he will cause those who believe to finish their work, and then to enjoy their rest.

PB’s Thought:  REAL rest is coming, when we get HOME.  Before that, we have work to do.

Henry’s Second observation:

(2.) From God’s continuing the observance of the sabbath, after the fall, and the revelation of a Redeemer:

They were to keep the seventh day a holy sabbath to the Lord, therein praising him who had raised them up out of nothing by creating power, and praying to him that he would create them anew by his Spirit of grace, and direct their faith to the promised Redeemer and restorer of all things, by which faith they find rest in their souls.

PB’s Thought:  “Rest” is rest from REGULAR work, it is not laziness, it is praising God.  When we see glimpses of Heaven in scripture, it is not characterized by leisure, but rather by active, continual praise and majesty.  Our ultimate design was not for slumber, but rather active praise, brining glory to our creator.

Henry’s final observation:

(3.) From God’s proposing Canaan as a typical rest for the Jews who believed: 

And as those who did believe, Caleb and Joshua, did actually enter into Canaan; so those who now believe shall enter into rest.

PB’s Thought:  Do not confuse PROXIMITY to God with KNOWING God.  This is the mistake of the Israelites who did not believe Caleb and Joshua’s report. This is the mistake of the rich young ruler.  This is the mistake of Judas.  And sadly, it is the mistake of several people in churches all over the world right now…some possibly in this very room.

In just a couple chapters, in Hebrews 6:6, the author will talk about those who have “fallen away” from the faith.  As we will dive into later, these are the people who make this very same mistake, they confuse proximity with intimacy.  
