Jonah 3:7-9

Teaching @Heritage
Teaching @Heritage
Jonah 3:7-9

(Text and Audio)

Title: Proclaimed AND Published

“Proclaimed and published”

This conviction, which had begun with the commoners when Jonah began his three day march through the huge city of Nineveh, now spread to the court of the King…and last week we saw the King’s personal response, which leads to the King’s Official Response.

There is something here I just don’t want us to miss…

Today, in our American Society…our politicians are really good at “Proclaiming” but not so good a “Publishing.”

The King of Nineveh does NOT play politics here, and for us, as Americans, this is something we are NOT used to at all.  We are used to Politicians and leaders that will claim something privately as their personal conviction, but it doesn’t necessarily change how they govern the people.

Examples:  (A politician might say)

  1. I support the public schools, but I would never send my kids there.  My kids will go to the best private schools.
  2. I would never personally condone an abortion in my own family, but it’s woman’s right to do with her body as she wishes.
  3. I believe it would be great to bring prayer back to schools, but I’m not going to take too hard a stance on it because it may hurt my chances at re-election.  

The Proclamation:

“Let neither man nor beast, herd nor flock, taste anything; do not let them eat or drink water…”

What is this?  What’s going on here?


(Why do we fast?  What is the purpose of a fast?  What are the benefits of a fast?)

“But let man and beast be covered with sackcloth mightily to God”

What’s going on here?


(Why?  Benefits?  What reminder does this serve?  Do we ever do anything similar at church?  Bowing heads and closing eyes in prayer)

“And turn from his evil way and the violence that is in his hand”

What’s going on here?


(What is the definition of repentance?  What is the difference between being sorry and being repentant?)


9 Who can tell if God will turn and relent, and turn away from His fierce anger, so that we may not perish?

I find it utterly fascinating that the King of Nineveh is so open about the fact they he, nor anyone, knows if the Lord will accept their symbols of contrition.

So, why do they do it?  If they don’t know if it will work or not for sure, why do they do it?

  1. They are obeying Jonah’s Warning
  2. There is HOPE in that warning
  3. The Lord is on their hearts, because the warning does not lead to rebellion or despair, but rather, quiet, introspection, contemplation, examination, and repentance


  1. God gives us a warning.  (What are the various ways this can/does happen?)
  2. We decided how to respond to that warning. (Generally, what are our options?)
  3. We wait upon God in Hope.  (Is it foolish to hope?)  NO! God would not warn us if he did not WANT to correct us, and he desires our correction because he loves us and knows what is best for us.