Matthew 10:11-15

Teaching @Heritage
Teaching @Heritage
Matthew 10:11-15

(Text and Audio)

Title: The Message in the Method

I really like this passage.  Like a lot of other pastors, I enjoy passages where I think there is more to the passage than meets the eye.  I have a great advantage this morning with you.  And that is this:  The vast majority of you have been walking with me together through Matthew and therefore I can teach at a very deep level without much fear of losing someone.

As we study this gospel, the context, the author, the audience all become second nature and we receive the advantage together of being able to catch things that we might otherwise miss if we were to simply casually read through this Gospel.

Today is no exception.  There is some real, deep, profound truth about the coming kingdom that Jesus shares in a very subtle way with his apostles that we can draw out based on some of the previous things in Matthew we’ve already covered, most notably last week.

So let us ask the Lord’s blessing over this message.


Why did we just ask the Lord to bless this message?

What advantage are we hoping to receive with God’s blessing over this message?

What do you think (possibly from experience) is the difference between a sermon blessed by God and on that isn’t?

I.  The Reward of Hospitality

(Read vv 11-12)

(I can’t take credit for catching this, I read it in Matthew Henry’s commentary on Matthew)

Q:  What is the subtle assumption made once can make in verse 11 When Jesus says, “Inquire who is worthy and stay there…”?  

A:  While they may be going to Jewish cities and towns, they are still strangers and do not know the people they are ministering to.


Greek:  aspazomai (Ah-spa-zo-my)

1) to draw to one’s self

a) to salute one, greet, bid welcome, wish well to

  1. b)to receive joyfully, welcome

Perhaps the best english translation would be “embrace the household and its people.”  

(Ben and Mary have had a variety of house guests over the last five years and we most love the people who “embrace” us as their temporary family)

Why is it good to be embraced by visitors?

  1. 1.  Feel loved
  2. 2.  Feel appreciated
  3. 3.  Feel utilized for a greater purpose
  1. v.13  (It think the NASB gets it best here)

“If the house is worthy, give it your blessing of peace.  but if it is not worthy, take back your blessing of peace” (NASB)

*Remember the power of this blessing, this is an Apostles’ blessing, just having been given the power of Jesus by the Messiah himself.

The tragedy:  that these homes would miss the chance to receive God’s blessing because they did not receive the workers of Christ as they should have.

  1. III. The (Secret) Message Within the Command

-shaking of the dust a Jewish sign of contempt against the Gentiles

-yet here, Jesus has told them

  1. For this mission, avoid the Gentiles
  2.   Go only to the Jews
  3.   Show them this sign of contempt and judgement if they will not receive you

-Make no mistake, Jesus is not so subtly re-writing the qualifications of knowing God.  It used to be about one thing:  are you a Jew?  Now it is about this:  will you receive Jesus?

POINT:  The Jews will not be spared because they are Jewish.  One will be shown mercy on one qualification:  did they receive Jesus.