Matthew 10:27

Teaching @Heritage
Teaching @Heritage
Matthew 10:27

(Text and Audio)

Title: The Gospel According to 80’s Action Flicks

Being a child of the 80’s I have a deep appreciation for the 80’s training montage in film.  Before I go any further, does anyone have any idea what I’m talking about when I say “training montage”? (take answers…what it is?)

You’ve all seen them, you just don’t realize it.

A training montage is that part of the movie, right before the climactic finale where the hero faces his rival, where the hero goes out and trains to prepare for his final confrontation.

The training montage always has a few distinct characteristics that get the movie watcher pumped up and ready for the final battle.

  1.   Great music
  2.   Grueling workout scenes
  3.   The hero does the training either alone, or in close company

Karate Kid is a great example of the montage, but the best example of this is by far the Rocky movies, all of which feature several training montages that culminate in the greatest fight in the history of boxing…every time.

There is one more, subtle feature of these films that I want us to pay attention to and it is this:  These men always train alone, but perform in front of huge crowds.  What they learn in secret they demonstrate in public.

After that ridiculous intro, I think we can all agree it’s time to read scripture and pray.


  1. The Formats

As Jesus teaches his apostles here, we see him employ a very Jewish, very familiar technique of teaching.  Today we will break down not just what Jesus says, but the order in which he says it, and, hopefully we can draw some deeper understanding from it.

“Whatever I tell you in the dark speak in the light; and what you hear in the ear, preach on the housetops.”

Now, let’s break that down a bit more:

First breakdown:  A/A

“I tell you in the dark, speak in the light”  (VS)  “what you hear in the ear preach on the housetops”

This is an positive/positive breakdown.  Basically, Jesus gives his information, and then repeats it using slightly different wording.  The meaning is the same:

You are being trained in secret by me, but what I teach you is not supposed to stay a secret, it will be spread to all the nations.

Why Secret Now?

  1.   Safety
  2.   Not yet time for Jesus to be revealed as the Messiah
  3.   Possibly so that the Jews get the first shot at salvation
  4.   Others?

Why Public Later?

  1.   Fulfill the Great Commission
  2.   Jews rejected it
  3.   Christ builds his church through his apostles after his death
  4.   Others?

Second Breakdown:  A/B/C, A/B/C

“Whatever I tell you in the dark speak in the light; and what you hear in the ear, preach on the housetops.”

Here we see three paralells from the first part of the verse and how they each have a corresponding equivalent in the second part of the verse.

I tell you=what you hear

in the dark=in the ear

speak in the light=preach on the housetops

And what is the special significance of this?  Maybe nothing, but consider the subtlety here:

  1. We are to hear what Jesus tells us.  Nothing more, nothing less.  

Application:  Danger of extra-biblical requirements

  1. Jesus will often give us our most formal training in our solitary time with him.  He speaks directly to his children.

Application:  If we want to grow, we must spend exclusive, quiet time with ONLY HIM.  (examples)

  1. After we have received this training, we MUST be compelled to preach the truth in public.  

Application:  What good is Truth unspoken?  What good are beliefs unchallenged?  What profit is wisdom not shared?