Matthew 10:28-31

Teaching @Heritage
Teaching @Heritage
Matthew 10:28-31

(Text and Audio)

Title: Do Not Fear…And Why Not.

Anyone here this morning willing to admit that you occasionally cry at the end of a good movie?  Any men willing to admit to shedding a tear or two at the end of a great film?  What films make you cry?  (Answers)

I, loving film, am not above getting choked up as well.  My wife will attest to this.  And, to be honest, I don’t necessarily cry at sad films, but just really well done films.  Mary, the heartless wife that she is, has made fun of me for years because I was crying a the conclusion of both “The Incredibles” and “Wally” because of their sheer brilliance.  So I have to try to guard my emotions around my heartless wife, lest she chide me.

Over the weekend the family was lounging on the couch watching “Cars” because my son is obsessed with Lightning McQueen.  It’s been years since I’ve watched Cars from start to end and I had forgotten what happens at the end where there is a three car race to determine the winner.  Essentially, Lighting McQueen, the hero, has a chance to win the final race, but passes up that chance, instead choosing to help an older car who had wrecked cross the finish line.

And I’m sitting there on the couch trying to conceal my tears because it really got to me.  Why?  Because the point of the film, the message that this movie sends to kids is that sometimes we get so obsessed and focused on what we think we want, and then we realize it’s not really the thing that important to focus on.

Let’s look at this brilliant 4 verse arc and ask the Lord to focus our minds.


We fear death and those who cause it…why?

  1.   It’s all we know.
  2.   We have doubts about the afterlife.

We should not fear death, nor those who cause it…why not?

  1.   Death isn’t the end
  2.   We believe we know where we are going on that day

Instead, we should fear God…why?

  1. He has power to judge beyond death.

The Father’s Sovereignty is Universal, Specific, and Personal

Universal:  There is not a single neutrino (Cory Googled it) in the universe that doesn’t answer to God’s sovereign will.  Finish this sentence:  If there was even a single neutrino that didn’t answer to God then God _____ ______ ______.  (Is Not God)

Specific:  His will is specific to specific creatures, events, objects, and moments.  God does not simply “set things in motion” and then watch as the world unfolds before Him.  He rules over every moment, every event, and every literal thing that is. Nothing happens apart from God’s will.  Not two sparrows dying, not a volcano erupting, not me speaking these words, are certainly not your life, or the moment of your death.

Personal:  He knows you as intimately as a master creator can possibly know his creation.  Before you came into physical existence He knew you as an idea in His infinite mind.  And in this very moment, there is nothing hidden from His sight.  He knows the number of freckles on your face, the number of times you’ve sneezed on just the Wednesdays of your life, He knows why you wanted to go to that party in 8th grade, and he certainly knows the number of hairs on your head, even if that number is in decline.

The Conclusion of the Matter:


Because of all this knowledge, Christ tells us do not fear.  Because of His Father’s ultimate Sovereignty and power Christ says, do not fear.  Because of His Father’s specific plan he tells us, “Do not fear!”  Because of His Father’s personal nature with us he tells us, “Do not fear!”


Because we are of more value We are not just of more value than sparrows.  That was just Jesus comparing us to his previous example from nature.  We are not just of more value because we are the superior race of humans made in God’s image.  We are not just of more value because we’ve been given the power to rule and subdue the Earth, as we have.  

No, brothers and sisters, it is much bigger than all of that.  Jesus is telling us that we should not fear because we are of more value because we are God’s children!  He created us, knows us, loves us, sustains us, predestines us, authors our salvation, calls us, justifies us, seals us, redeems us and delivers us to our destiny with Him.

Paul reminds us that “Nothing, in all creation, can separate us from the Love of God that is in Christ Jesus.” Nothing.  No.  Thing.  

So stop living in fear.  The only thing worth fearing loves you and told you as much.