Matthew 10:5-10

Teaching @Heritage
Teaching @Heritage
Matthew 10:5-10

(Text and Audio)

Title: So You’ve Been Called as an Apostle:  A 5 Step Guide to Success

  1. Where to Go?

“Do NOT go the way of the Gentiles”

It is important that we understand what Jesus is, and what he is not, saying when He gives this command.  Jesus is not forbidding ministry to the Gentiles.  And one of the ways that we know this is because of what we read a few chapters ago with the story of Jesus healing the centurion’s servant.

Remember Jesus’ response in 8:10  “Assuredly, I say to you, I have not found such great faith, not even in Israel!”

Rather, Jesus is giving the focus of the first mission to the apostles as being for the lost sheep of Israel.  Jesus is telling them, go to where you know the Jews are.  Don’t go to predominantly gentile cities, rather, go where there are synagogues, go where there are large concentrations of your people, and preach to them.  


  1.   Theological Reasoning:  “First for the Jew”  (Romans 2:10)
  2.   Strategic Reasoning:  Where was Jesus sending the 12?  To places and people, and cultures and customs that they were already familiar with, because they were already part of them!

POINT:  Who you are, and what you know RIGHT NOW already qualifies you for a specific mission field.  

If you are a college student, are you not already able, because of your life’s current circumstances, to relate to and empathize with the questions and struggles of another college student?  This is why collegiate missions is such a fruitful harvest.

If you are a mother of small children, are you not already able, because of your life’s circumstances, to relate to, and emphasize with the questions and struggles of another mother?  This is why ministries like M.O.P.S. have been one of the fastest growing church outreaches of the last 10 years in our country.

  1. What to say?

“The Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand.”

What does this mean?  (Take answers)

  1.   The King has arrived
  2.   Judgement is imminent
  3.   It’s time to repent (clean your estate, royalty is coming)
  4.   Justice will be administered
  1. What to do (How to show you speak with authority)
  1.   Heal the sick (demonstrate your power over sin)
  2.   Cleanse the lepers (demonstrate your power to restore people to their place)
  3.   Raise the dead  (demonstrate your power over nature)
  4.   Cast out demons  (demonstrate your power over the spiritual realms)

What’s the subtext?

“…and in doing so, they will know you have been sent by the king, for you bear and demonstrate the power of the All Mighty.”

POINT:  Jesus gave them these powers with purpose.  Just as they had marveled at him in chapters 8 and 9, and because of this they heard his voice and message, so will they marvel at the apostolic power given to the disciples and also listen to their message.

  1. What Should Your Attitude Be?

“Freely you have received, freely give.”

In other words, this is not YOUR message to peddle or sell.  (A common practice in those times with disciples and teachers).  Rather, it is Christ’s message, imparted and given to the apostles with a charge to:

  1.   Show the power that accompanies the message
  2.   Announce the message
  3.   Offer it freely to anyone willing to listen (no strings attached)
  4.   Do these things with a humble reminder that Jesus CHOSE YOU to be an apostle, you didn’t earn this privilege.  Therefore, with humility and appreciation for your master, go do HIS work.

How do we also today follow each of these four principles?  (Work through the list)

  1. What should your provision be?

(read vv. 9/10)

Here’s the key to understanding this seemingly strange command from Jesus.  We must ask, “Why does Jesus tell them not to bring all these things, like money, supplies, and clothes?”

“…for a worker is worthy of his food.”

If they do what Christ has commanded them, in the manner he has commanded them, He will take care of them.  

How?  A variety of ways, one we will see next week in verse 11.  The point is that Jesus tells them not to worry about such things.  Worry about the mission.  He will sustain them.  If they work for his glory, He will make sure they are fed.

How do you think this might have made the 12 feel?

(Story of me meeting about 6 years ago with Jim Mayes and him responding, “Take care of the people, the money will take care of itself.”)

POINT:  Sometimes we think the honor we give to God is in the details of our astute planning.  It is not.  It is in the faithfulness of our hearts to minister to His people.