Matthew 13:31-33

Teaching @Heritage
Teaching @Heritage
Matthew 13:31-33

(Text and Audio)

Title: The Parable of the Mustard Seed and the Leaven

I’m teaching these two together because thematically, they touch on the same main key points

Both “mustard seeds” and “leaven” are normally seen in a negative light, (they are generally considered “bad”, in fact “leaven” is used negatively elsewhere in scripture, such as Galatians 5:9 where Paul reminds us that “A little leaven leavens the whole lump” referring the to the idea of a “little sin” taking over our entire lives.  In both Paul and Jesus’ example the point is the same:  a little leaven can change a lot of things in a short time.

This parable occurs in all 3 synoptic Gospels, with no noteworthy difference between the 3 accounts

In 17:20 Jesus again references the mustard seed in the more famous teaching, “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed…”  THAT teaching is dependent upon us fully understanding THIS teaching on the mustard seed.

Mustard trees are fast growing plants that can take over a region in a very short amount of time (remember the pictures that Dan and Molly Salyers showed us upon returning from Israel.)

At the time, the thought that the Kingdom of Heaven (the newly formed Church of Jesus) could grow so rapidly, and expand into so many different cultures and people groups, that it would overtake even the Roman Empire itself, was crazy.  Yet, in 300 short years from the time that Jesus spoke this parable, that’s exactly what happened.

Anyone know what event I’m referring to that occurs about 300 years later, in 325 A.D.?

Like a pesky weed, the Jews and Romans tried everything to uproot the Christians from the vast Roman Empire, but these “tiny seeds” took root, and grew into formidable 10 foot trees, with a great root system (remind you of anything we’ve recently studied?) to such a vast number of places that is was easier to work with the church than against it.

Is there any significance to the image of the birds nesting in the branches of the trees?

I think so.

  1. The trees have grown to such a place where they are able to become “homes” or “sanctuaries” for life.
  2.   It does bring to mind Ezekiel 17:23 where a prophecy is given and there are birds resting the branches of a tree.  Does anyone know what those birds represented, according to Ezekiel?

They were Gentile nations taking refuge under the Messiah and enjoying the blessings of the covenant.  How cool is that?

With all of that being covered, I’d like to close today with a list of main points and themes that these two parables illustrate, and the potential application for our lives.

Main Points/Application

  1. Both mustard seeds and leaven look small, common, and unimpressive.  So did the movement of Jews first called “The Way” and later “Christians.”  But here we stand, 2000 years later, and it is clear to anyone who is intellectually honest with themselves that Jesus Christ has been the most influential force in the history of the human race.  

The Church is everywhere, in every country, every people group, every government…everywhere.  All this from such small beginnings.

Application:  THIS is why it is so important that we fully understand Jesus’ teaching here, before we can fully appreciate what he says later in Matthew in Chapter 17 by saying, “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed…”  Because the reality is:  a little faith can bring about HUGE, UNIMAGINABLE changes.

Do you think the apostles had any idea what this movement, Jesus as the Messiah, would do to the world?

  1. Jesus again foreshadows the inclusion of the Gentiles into the Kingdom when he references the birds in the branches.  

Application:  Jesus understood that his father’s plan was for the Kingdom to grow into every nook and cranny of humanity.  For that to happen, the doors had to open to all peoples.

  1. We overcome by faith.  The right and righteous God will once again, rule His earth.  A plan is already unfolding.  It has been in motion since the Fall of Adam and Eve.  His Kingdom is expanding, it is being populated by faith, and, as we will see in couple more weeks, (when we look at the explanation of the Parable of the Tares) that a time is coming for those who are not part of the kingdom to be removed from the Kingdom.

Application:  By faith we became Christians, by faith we must continue in that walk.  The Kingdom grows nearer every day, therefore, gird up the loins of your mind, prepare yourself, do the work at hand, honor you king.