Matthew 6:28-34

Teaching @Heritage
Teaching @Heritage
Matthew 6:28-34

(Audio and Text)

Title: Worry (Part Two)

Last week we took in the overview of Jesus’ teaching on worrying in verses 25-27.  Today Jesus will go into more detail concerning the two main areas of worry that most regularly consume us and then he will remind us of a few great theological truths that we must not miss.

My pastoral hope and prayer for these two sermons is actually two-fold:  First, I hope that you will recognize how debilitating worry can be in our lives and our walks, but even more importantly, my prayer is that you will see why it is God-honoring to not worry.

In order to do this, I’m going to break down today’s passage into five lessons driven directly from the text.

Let’s get started, shall we?


1.  God>Gucci (v. 28/29)

Anybody want to break that down for me?

In last week’s passage Jesus points to the sparrows and says, “You don’t see them flipping out about food, they trust their master and their master provides.”  Here Jesus makes a similar observation about clothing.

Jesus points out the lilies and makes two distinct observations about their nature:

  1. The lilies of the field don’t toil or spin (In other words, they don’t work for their clothes “toil” nor do they fabricate clothes for themselves “spin cloth”)
  2. Yet, they look better than Solomon.  

Q:  Why do you suspect that Solomon of all Patriarchs is brought up as the example here?

POINT:  God provides for his own.  The question we need to ask in the midst of our worry is, “Am I God’s?”

  1. Finite vs. Eternal Creations  (v30)

We, far too often forget exactly what we are.

The next observation that Jesus makes about man vs. things in nature is about their lifespan.  He looks again to the fields and makes a third observation and distinction between us, made in God’s image, and the grass of the field.

Jesus reminds us that the Father provides for the grass of the field even though it will burn up tomorrow.  

Rhetorically, Jesus points out that we are somehow different from the grass.  How and why are we different from the grass of the field?  We have souls.  Our souls are eternal, that is a special thing.  We (humans) are the only creation on earth that get that distinction.

POINT:  If we look around and see evidence of God’s provision for things as simple as lilies and grass, yet fret about our own provision, when we are not just God’s creation, but his beloved family, what does that say about our faith?

  1. What do you behave like?  (v31/32)

Based on the first two points, Jesus says, “therefore” or “because of this” we should not worry about things needed to survive.  We should not worry namely about food and clothing, but the Jesus gives us a very peculiar reason WHY we should not worry about these things.

Somebody help me put that reason into 2022 language.  (Take suggestions)

Those who don’t have faith, who don’t know God, these are the things that consume THEM.  It should not be so with us.

Our natures are not the same as the non-believer.  It is natural for the non-believer to be consumed with these things, they believe they are the provider.  But for us, who’s minds have been illuminated, who know not only who the great provider is, but also that He loves us, it is foolishness, it is against our nature to worry about such futile things.

POINT:  You really want to know where your faith is?  Find out if you think about, worry about, the same things that a non-believer does.

  1. Prioritize!  (v33)

So what should we be worrying about?  What should we be consumed with?  Kingdom affairs, kingdom business, kingdom work.  

Let me ask you a question…President Biden, his average day is most likely pretty busy, right?  He takes a lot of meetings, does a lot of travel, has a lot of phone calls, right.

How many days a week, do you think President Biden rolls out of bed and says, “Man, I wonder what I’m going to do for lunch today?”

How many times in the last two years has Jill Biden fretted over what she’ll make for dinner?

Why not?  (take answers)

They got people for that!

Guys, our Father has people for these sorts of things.  He wants you to be consumed with Him, he’ll work the details out for you.  

We sin, we error, when we say, “I’ll figure out what’s for lunch, I’ll figure out how to pay the bills, and then, with what time remains, I’ll have a word or prayer, or I’ll then go to church.”

I’m telling you, the best thing you can do for your refrigerator is be right with God.  The best thing you can do for your closet is be right with God.  The best thing you can do for your spouse is be right with God.  The best thing you can do for your children is be right with God.  The best thing you can do for your church is be right with God.  The best thing you can do for your God is be right with God.


  1. Don’t sweat the small stuff.  
  2. (BTW, God is HUGE, everything else is small.)  
  3. Sweat God.
  1. No Guarantees  (v34)

(The story of Joy Susa at HNCO at Kingston Nursing home)

Friends, there are no guarantees.  You know what I know for certain?  I’m here now.  Now on Tuesday I’ll write my sermon for next Sunday, but I may not live to preach it, but I’m here now.

I’ll save money as best I can, so Nevaeh and Silas can have their needs met, but I’m here now.

I’ll plan to surprise my wife with flowers and take her to dinner… but I’m here now.

Planning is fine.  Doing is better.

There will always be another day to fret about.  There will always be situations that come up out of the blue and catch us off guard.  There is no way to plan for life, other than Jesus Christ.

Jesus here give us a very practical teaching.  He says, “You can worry about today, but then what will you be doing tomorrow, or next month, or next year when a whole new set of issues arises?  You will worry and plan your whole life away, having done nothing…when will you trust my father, and just dwell with me?”

POINT:  A person can only do what a person can do.  But if they DO that, each day, they can lay their head upon their pillow well, and, if the Lord so blesses, rise, and do it again the next day.

What have you done today?  What will you do before the day is done?