Ruth 1:1-5

Teaching @Heritage
Teaching @Heritage
Ruth 1:1-5

(Audio and Text Available)

Title: An Introduction to Ruth

Have any of you ever been desperate?

Spiritually desperate?

Emotionally desperate?

Physically desperate?

Financially desperate?

What does desperation often show us?  (What we REALLY believe)

Today we begin our study in the book of Ruth, and my prayer, much like is was when we began Jonah last Winter, is that this book “comes alive” for you and see just how awesome our God is in that he was prophesying that Christ would save the Gentiles long before Christ walked the Earth.

So, before we dig into the text, I have a few slides I’d like to show you to give you setting of the book itself.

-Setting Slide

-Zoomed in Slide

-CATC slide (Note on authorship:  According to the Talmud (Jewish tradition), the prophet Samuel wrote the book of Ruth. The text itself says nothing of the author, but whoever wrote it was a skilled storyteller. It has been called the most beautiful short story ever written.)

-How Ruth connects to Christ

(Read Text/Pray)

“In the days when the Judges ruled…”

This cycle repeats itself seven times!

This was NOT a good time for the people of Israel.

It is in this time of constant rebellion and repentance that the Story of Ruth takes place.

Setting the Scene for the Story:

Slide Story

The Problem:

Next in the adventures of Ruth:

What desperate decisions will these women make?

What do those decision show about the God they serve?

How will God provide?

What will that provision tell us about the character of God?

Let me close with this teaser.  When you find out what God uses these women for,  it will blow your mind.  If it doesn’t, I have failed you as a pastor.  And that’s not about my ability to teach…the story is that good.  If I screw it up, I will refund the cost of you admission, deal?
