Ruth 1:11-18

Teaching @Heritage
Teaching @Heritage
Ruth 1:11-18

(Audio and Text Available)

Title: No-Nonsense Naomi, Resilient Ruth


Mike telling his mom, “I’m going to be a rock star!” Her reply: “You are going to college.”

Naomi’s Rational Rebuke:  v.11-13

  1. I am not currently pregnant with a possible husband for either of you.
  2. Even if I married today, and immediately got pregnant, are you really wanting to wait 16 years to marry one of my sons who will be 16 years younger than you?
  3. Would you wait that long, and reject the suitors who will come to marry you for the next 16 years.
  4. It kills me that this is the Lord’s plan for me, do not let it also create misery for you as well!

In conclusion (In Mom Speak):  

That’s crazy talk!  We are NOT having this discussion.  I am returning to Israel, you are staying in Moab and moving back in with your parents, finding husbands, getting married, having children, living happily ever after, and that’s the end of it!

The Response of Opah and Ruth  v.14-15

  1. Again we see all three women “lift up their voices and weeping” as a sign of the heart break and anguish this decision is causing them.  They dearly, dearly love their mother in law Naomi.
  2. BUT, in verse 15 we see that Orpah has considered the very wise counsel of Naomi and makes the decision to remain in Moab.
  3. Naomi pleads with Ruth to do the same as Opah.
  4. Response Question:  Did Opah make a bad decision?

Stubborn Ruth Digs In  v.  16-17

  1. This is a LIFE pledge that Ruth makes to Naomi.  
  2. This is a SPIRITUAL pledge to Naomi’s God from Ruth.
  3. This is a FAITH pledge, not in Naomi, but in Naomi’s GOD.  “The lord do so to me, and more also, if anything but death parts you and me.”  Wow!

Naomi’s Response  v.18


Here are some parallels to help us better understand how Naomi responds.

NASB:  “When she saw that she was determined to go, she said no more to her.”

NIV:  “When Naomi realized that Ruth was determined to go with her, she stopped urging her.”

Naomi wasn’t mad with Ruth (in fact, most likely moved by her commitment), she realized there would be no talking Ruth out of her pledge.


  1. Words and pledges have POWER.  Do not use your words lightly.   Jesus in Matthew 5:37  37 But let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No.’ For whatever is more than these is from the evil one.
  2. Faith often results in taking non-rational risks.  (Being BOLD in Christ.)  Sometimes the reasonable action is not the right answer.  Just because you have the RIGHT to do something, doesn’t make it RIGHT.