Ruth 2:13-16

Teaching @Heritage
Teaching @Heritage
Ruth 2:13-16

(Audio and Text Available)

Title: The Fingerprints of Christ in the Details


1.  “…though I am not like one of your maidservants.”

Ruth never tries to hide what she is.  She is acutely aware that Boaz’s kindness is unique, and even more so because she is a foreigner.  She recognizes that he owes her nothing, yet is providing beyond measure, and her gratitude reflects that.

POINT:  We are at our spiritual best when we remind ourselves that God owes us nothing, yet (through Jesus Christ) provides for us beyond measure.

Application:  When you are down, preach the Gospel to yourself.  (demonstrate)

2.  “…and kept some back.”


She didn’t want to look like a total pig?

She was trying to be wise and make it last?

She was trying to hold some over to give to Naomi? (V. 18)

POINT:  In our abundance, we need to do at least two things to be wise in the Lord:  1.  Think of others.  2.  Think of the future.

(Anyone have any examples?  Ben:  Christmas Bonus Money)

Matthew Henry has an interesting insight here:

When Boaz gave her her dinner with his reapers she only ate so much as would suffice her, and left the rest, and immediately rose up to glean.  She did not, under pretense either of her want or of her labour, eat more than was convenient for her, nor so much as to unfit her for work in the afternoon. Temperance is a friend to industry; and we must eat and drink to strengthen us for business, not to indispose us to it.

(A warning against gluttony, or gorging?)

3.  Boaz’s instructions to his reapers:

“And when she rose up to glean”

(alternate translations from the congregation?)

Hebrew:  qûwm, (koom) a primitive root; to rise; abide, accomplish, 

Point:  Ruth was DONE eating, rose, and left the room, so we can say with a degree of certainty that Ruth was out of the room, out of earshot, when Boaz gives this instructions to his reapers.

The Three-fold instructions:

  1. “Let her glean among the sheaves”  (The good stuff)
  2. “Let grain fall from your bundles”  (Help her) *Question, why do Dad’s and Mom’s allow kids to beat them in wrestling, or basketball, or anything?
  3. “Do not rebuke her”  (Allow her to have confidence in her gleaning)

Can anyone here draw a parallel between these three instructions and our relationship with Christ?

  1. Christ’s provision is exactly what we need, both in amount, and quality.
  2. Christ helps us.  (Prayer, Scripture, Other Believers, The Holy Spirit, etc.)
  3. As we continue in Christ, finding confidence, our TESTIMONIES strengthen!
