Ruth 3:3-5

Teaching @Heritage
Teaching @Heritage
Ruth 3:3-5

(Audio and Text Available)

Title: Bold Moves, Part Two


Last week as we began looking at the plan that Naomi lays out for Ruth her daughter-in-law we talked about the idea that what Naomi is seeking for Ruth is this Hebrew word, “Manowach” which translates as both “rest” and “security”.  

Essentially, Naomi senses that Boaz is being so generous to Ruth that perhaps it’s worth exploring if there is any romantic interest there, and perhaps Boaz would consider taking Ruth for his wife.

Now this leads me to an important question:  

Why doesn’t Ruth just wait for Boaz to make the first move?

  1. Perhaps Boaz is being respectful of a time of mourning for Ruth.
  2. Perhaps Boaz doesn’t realize there is mutual interest.
  3. Perhaps Boaz is concerned about the age difference.  (See 3:10)
  4. Perhaps Boaz is concerned about the fact that Ruth is a Moabittess.
  5. Others?

Is Ruth sinning by being so bold?

  1. The Scriptures don’t mention any sin. (3:11 Boaz calls Ruth “virtuous”)
  2. Boaz is a righteous man, and does not rebuke her.  In fact, he compliments her.
  3. Naomi might suggest a BOLD move, but not a move into SIN.  (Imagine if Naomi’s instructions were for Ruth to straight up seduce Boaz.)
  4. Others?

And He will tell you what you should do…”

Naomi’s plan is for Ruth to “put the ball into Boaz’s court.” She is declaring her interest in having Boaz fully realize his role as the Kinsmen Redeemer to rescue her from poverty and angst, and truly grant her “Manowach” or rest.

Ruth is literally throwing herself at the feet of man whom she’s fully putting her life in.  (See the picture of Christ?)

We see the offer of Christ, the generosity of Christ, the promise of Christ, and then we must ask ourselves, “Am I willing to accept this invitation, and throw all of my life, all of my trust at the feet of this savior?  To have him marry me, that I may be his beloved, that I may forsake the promises of the world and trust only in him?”


As we close this two part sermon series on “Boldness”, I want to return to the main I left you with at the conclusion of last week’s sermon:

Is Christianity Safe?

