Jonah 3:1-3

Jonah 3:1-3

Series: Jonah

(Audio and Text) Title: Into the Heart of Darkness I’d like to actually begin with the last part of the passage today and then circle back to the beginning.   “a three-day journey in extent” This was not suggesting that it took Jonah 3 days to get to Nineveh from wherever he was spat up…

Jonah 3:4-5

Jonah 3:4-5

Series: Jonah

(Text only, audio did not record properly) Title: Only One Explanation Just How impressive of a city was Nineveh? Johnathan Edwards: The greatness of Nineveh consisted chiefly in the extent of it; it was much larger than Babylon, such a city, says Diodorus Siculus, as no man ever after built.  It was 150 furlongs long…

Jonah 3:6

Jonah 3:6

Series: Jonah

(Text and Audio) Title: A Throne for Ashes Two of my Dreams:  The first about 6 months before I was saved (vacuum tubes), the second about 6 months after I was saved (small room with mirrors). We have demonstrated extensively how the book of Jonah is a forerunner for Jesus Christ, and in those discussion,…

Jonah 3:7-9

Jonah 3:7-9

Series: Jonah

(Text and Audio) Title: Proclaimed AND Published “Proclaimed and published” This conviction, which had begun with the commoners when Jonah began his three day march through the huge city of Nineveh, now spread to the court of the King…and last week we saw the King’s personal response, which leads to the King’s Official Response. There…

Jonah 3:10-4:3

Jonah 3:10-4:3

Series: Jonah

(Text and Audio) Title: Petulant Jonah 1. The Lord Shows His Mercy Let’s not forget that these people certainly did not EARN this reward. Yes, the scriptures tell us that God “relented” after seeing them “turn from their evil way” (repentance), but we must be careful to ask this very important question:  Q: What gave…

Jonah 4:4

Jonah 4:4

Series: Jonah

(Text and Audio) Title: Is it Right? Then the Lord said, “Is it right for you to be angry?” Three Clarifying Questions to begin with: Q:  Why (specifically) is Jonah Angry? A:  Exactly what he feared might happen, has happened:  The people of Nineveh repented at Jonah’s warning, and God has shown them mercy.  Jonah’s…

Jonah 4:5-8

Jonah 4:5-8

Series: Jonah

(Text and Audio) Title: Sovereign Shelter The way the book of Jonah ends is fascinating.  It is not at all what you might expect.  The book of Jonah not only ends in a strangely abrupt fashion, but the focus of the book shifts dramatically from the events surrounding the people of Nineveh, to a lesson…

Jonah 4:9-10

Jonah 4:9-10

Series: Jonah

(Text and Audio) Title: Plants Vs. People, Part ONE I’m going to try to remain calm during today’s sermon…but I think I’m going to fail.  I cannot adequately express the enthusiasm, joy and passion I have for what I am about to share with you. If I lose it, and I probably will at some…

Jonah 4:11a

Jonah 4:11a

Series: Jonah

(Text and Audio) Title: Plants Vs. People, Part TWO We have reached the final sermon in the book of Jonah.  Today will be the 22nd, and final, sermon in the series.  Jared asked last week when we began and I think I said around Thanksgiving…it wasn’t quite that long ago, I checked this past week…

Jonah 4:11b

Jonah 4:11b

Series: Jonah

(Text and Audio) Title: Plants Vs. People Part Three:  3 Final Observations from the Book of Jonah I promise, I promise, I promise…this is the final sermon in Jonah.  I have greatly enjoyed walking through this book with you over the last 7 1/2 months, and I think today we will go out on a…