Ruth 3:1-2

Ruth 3:1-2

Series: Ruth

(Audio and Text Available) Title: Bold Moves, Part One Intro: (Story on Boldness) Ben:  Mary, before we graduate, we will go on a date. “Shall I not seek security for you…?” This word, translated “security” in the NKJV has some various translations in the English texts, what other words do we have for that in…

Ruth 3:3-5

Ruth 3:3-5

Series: Ruth

(Audio and Text Available) Title: Bold Moves, Part Two Intro: Last week as we began looking at the plan that Naomi lays out for Ruth her daughter-in-law we talked about the idea that what Naomi is seeking for Ruth is this Hebrew word, “Manowach” which translates as both “rest” and “security”.   Essentially, Naomi senses…

Ruth 3:6

Ruth 3:6

Series: Ruth

(Audio and Text Available) Title: “asah chamowth tsavah” Intro: I wrested with wanting to do more than just one verse, but I really feel like we need to dwell in this single verse and study ONE huge truth that this verse gives us. (read/pray) “So she went down to the threshing floor and did according…

Ruth 3:7-9

Ruth 3:7-9

Series: Ruth

(Audio and Text Available) Title: Ruth did WHAT? Intro: Why was Boaz lying at the grain? “his heart was cheerful” Was Boaz drunk? J.I. Packer: Boaz had been drinking, but was hardly drunk.  After all the work and festivity of the day, Boaz went to “the far end of the heap of grain” a place…

Ruth 3:10

Ruth 3:10

Series: Ruth

(Audio and Text Available) Title: What Does a Godly Woman Seek? Intro: This message will start out highly analytical, and it will end highly personal. Blessed are you BECAUSE: This seems like a very important phrase, and yet the language is somewhat strange and potentially confusing.  This is what we do when we come across…

Ruth 3:11-13

Ruth 3:11-13

Series: Ruth

(Audio and Text Available) Title: When God says “Yesh” Intro: Well, it’s been four weeks since we were last in Ruth with the Easter holiday and Jared speaking for us at the beginning of April, but today we get to resume our study in Ruth and something quite fascinating, and quite relatable to us happens…

Ruth 3:14-17

Ruth 3:14-17

Series: Ruth

(Audio and Text Available) Title: A Great Twist Intro: Books/Shows/Movies/Stories with Great Twists, lets get some examples (The Usual Suspects, The Sixth Sense, Empire Strikes Back) “Do not let it be known…” Boaz is making this command to his servants…why? “Bring the shawl…” Boaz then measures out six ephahs of barely and “laid it on…

Ruth 3:18

Ruth 3:18

Series: Ruth

(Audio and Text Available) Title: Faith Breeds Patience Intro: As we begin this morning, let us make all effort to put verse 18 in its proper context by backing up and looking at the question Naomi asks Ruth in verse 16: “Is that you, my daughter?” Literally:  “How did it go with you?” Well, we…

Ruth 4:1-5

Ruth 4:1-5

Series: Ruth

(Audio and Text Available) Title: Honorable Men and Honorable Deeds Intro: I have a confession to make…I was high when I wrote this sermon.  Does anyone want to know how high?   About 32,000 feet over the Grand Canyon. Y’all missed me, didn’t you? And he said, “I will redeem it.” Pastorally Embarrassing Follow Up…

Ruth 4:5-7

Ruth 4:5-7

Series: Ruth

(Audio and Text Available) Title: What’s the Catch? Intro: I got a call from Marriott vacation rentals the other day…(two hour presentation…) “…you must also buy it from Ruth the Moabitess…” Though there is no direct O.T. law detailing that the man must also marry Ruth, the fact that the man does not argue with…

Ruth 4:8-10

Ruth 4:8-10

Series: Ruth

(Audio and Text Available) Title: Public Displays of Affection Intro: When we talk about PDA, what normally comes to mind?  Ladies, has your man ever made a PDA that you liked?  That you thought was romantic? “Therefore…”  The relative now fully understands the conditions of his purchase and has changed his mind before offering his…

Ruth 4:11-12

Ruth 4:11-12

Series: Ruth

(Audio and Text Available) Title: Three Blessings Intro: Just three days ago, we observed our country’s independence day.  In light tof that, I want to ask you three questions as we begin today: As we read this passage, and ask the Lord’s blessing, let’s keep the idea of knowing your nation’s history in mind. (read/pray)…