Matthew 16:5-12

Matthew 16:5-12

Series: The Gospel of Matthew

(Text and Audio) Title: Beware the Leaven (Show Map) Sometimes when studying scripture just a tiny phrase can open up a word of interesting side notes worth mentioning.  Such is the case today. At the very end of Chapter 15 we read that Jesus and his disciples got into a boat and came to the…

Matthew 16:13-15

Matthew 16:13-15

Series: The Gospel of Matthew

(Text and Audio) Title: The Great Confession, Part One Part One:  The Question Who does Jesus mean when he says, “Men”?  (Take answers) Men:  The general population.  Others.  Outsiders.  Jews?  Gentiles?  Pagans?  Anyone who is NOT a disciple. So he begins this great conversation with Jesus separating humanity into two distinctive groups:  Men and Disciples. …

Matthew 16:16-20

Matthew 16:16-20

Series: The Gospel of Matthew

(Text and Audio) Title: The Great Confession, Part Two “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Peter’s bold profession here is important, at least in part, because it answers a one of our “hidden” questions from last week. If you remember, last week we really dove into Jesus’s question of the Disciples,…

Matthew 16:21-23

Matthew 16:21-23

Series: The Gospel of Matthew

(Text Only) Title: From That Time How many of you have ever heard a story that goes something like this:  “And Billy stood up to Jimmy, punched him square in the jaw, and after that, Jimmy never bullied Jimmy again…” Or how about this one: “Those men who came back from the battle were never…

Matthew 16:24

Matthew 16:24

Series: The Gospel of Matthew

(Text and Audio) Title: Self-Crucifixion, Part One (Assign Exodus 12:5 and Romans 12:1) What are some ways in which we make sacrifices in order to achieve a desired result?  (Take answers.) -We sacrifice time with our family to provide a better living for them. -We sacrifice time and physical comfort to stay in better shape….

Matthew 16:24 (Part Two)

Matthew 16:24 (Part Two)

Series: The Gospel of Matthew

(Text Only) Title: Self-Crucifixion, Part Two Story of the woman and the silversmith from Zechariah 13:9  “I will refine them like silver…” As we stated during last week’s introductory sermon to this series, there are two questions that we must begin to grasp from verse 24, before we can begin to understand the gravity of…

Matthew 16:25

Matthew 16:25

Series: The Gospel of Matthew

(Text Only) Title: Who’s Life Do You Want? (From floor) To save your life, it must first be lost.   Lost to what?   Lost to the world, lost to sin, lost to ourselves, lost to our desires.  We must let go to move forward.   (Story on nature channel of the Aborigine and the…

Matthew 16:26

Matthew 16:26

Series: The Gospel of Matthew

(Text and Audio) Title: At What Cost? The great question of the age:  What profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?  Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul? This question has been asked by mankind since the dawn of history.  We…

Matthew 16:27-28

Matthew 16:27-28

Series: The Gospel of Matthew

(Text and Audio) Title: The Near and The Far (Give out 5 bible verses.) (Show 3 images with far focus and near focus.) Sometimes we can be looking at the exact same thing but, depending on where our focus is, we will interpret only a small portion of it. How you see something depends largely…

Matthew 17:1-4

Matthew 17:1-4

Series: The Gospel of Matthew

(Text and Audio) Title: The Transfiguration, Part 1 Some of you may be familiar with this question and answer, but for others it may be new.  In both Matthew and Mark’s account, it clearly says that six days after Jesus prophesies that “…there are some standing here that shall not taste death till they see…

Matthew 17:5

Matthew 17:5

Series: The Gospel of Matthew

(Text and Audio) Title: The Transfiguration, Part Two Let’s take a little survey as we begin this morning.  How many of you, by show of hands, would be interested if I told you that tonight, at 6PM, President Finkes from AU would be speaking at our church and you were all invited? Okay, now suppose…

Matthew 17:6-8

Matthew 17:6-8

Series: The Gospel of Matthew

(Text and Audio) Title: The Transfiguration, Part Three I didn’t intend to speak from the floor again this morning, and I assume I’ll return to the pulpit next Sunday, but there is just something so personal and experiential about this mornings lesson I wanted to speak to you all from here again. I want to…