Matthew 17:9-13

Matthew 17:9-13

Series: The Gospel of Matthew

(Text and Audio) Title: The Transfiguration, Part Four Well, today we’ve finally arrived at the end of our series on the Transfiguration.  Four weeks ago when we began this journey I shared that I really wanted to work slowly through these 13 verses so that we were fully able to soak up all that was…

Matthew 17:14-21 (Part One)

Matthew 17:14-21 (Part One)

Series: The Gospel of Matthew

(Text and Audio) Title: Jesus and the Werewolf Rabbits Any of you guys have a friend, or relative that is a great rabbit chaser?  What I mean by that is that they have an almost incurable curiosity about them.  If something catches their eye they will pursue it relentlessly until they better understand it?  This…

Matthew 17:14-21 (Part Two)

Matthew 17:14-21 (Part Two)

Series: The Gospel of Matthew

(Text and Audio) Title: The Danger of Underestimating the Power of Faith Today we resume our study of this story of Jesus and the boy who was demon possessed.  If you recall, last week we spent the bulk of our study looking at the Greek word seleniazomai which has at least 3 translations into English. …

Matthew 17:22-23

Matthew 17:22-23

Series: The Gospel of Matthew

(Text and Audio) Title: Sorrow to Joy This is the second time in the Gospel of Matthew that the author records Jesus predicting the suffering and resurrection of the Messiah.  The first time is back in chapter 16, right after Peter correctly identifies Jesus as the Messiah.   So this is an element of Jesus’s…

Matthew 17:24-27 (Part One)

Matthew 17:24-27 (Part One)

Series: The Gospel of Matthew

(Text and Audio) Title: The Temple Tax Today we dive back into Matthew and over the course of the next two weeks we will conclude chapter 17 by looking at a passage that has a very interesting message within in, but it’s not the message that is most usually associated with the study of this…

Matthew 17:24-27 (Part Two)

Matthew 17:24-27 (Part Two)

Series: The Gospel of Matthew

(Text and Audio) Title: Lest We Offend Them As we close down chapter 17 in Matthew this morning, this will be the last sermon in our Matthew series for a few weeks.  Next week I’ll be speaking a one-off sermon and the following Sunday, December 8th, Calvin Houser, will be delivering the morning sermon. Calvin…

Matthew 18:1-5

Matthew 18:1-5

Series: The Gospel of Matthew

(Text and Audio) Title: Who is the Greatest? Today we return to the Gospel of Matthew which has been our core study for about the last 3.5 years here at Heritage.  And today we not only begin a new chapter, as we’ve worked our way into chapter 18, but we also begin a very important…

Matthew 18:6-7

Matthew 18:6-7

Series: The Gospel of Matthew

(Text and Audio) Title: Woe to That Man Today we continue to dig in to chapter 18.  As I mentioned at the beginning of last week’s message, we will see a few recurrent themes and illustrations used by Jesus in this, the 4th great discourse recorded in Matthew’s Gospel. Last week Jesus uses the illustration…

Matthew 18:8-9

Matthew 18:8-9

Series: The Gospel of Matthew

(Text and Audio) Title: What’s the Point? The two verses that we are looking at today are undoubtedly familiar to us.  They contain some of the most radical and stark words ever recorded by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I myself have studied these words many times, in many different books, read many different…

Matthew 18:10-11 (Part One)

Matthew 18:10-11 (Part One)

Series: The Gospel of Matthew

(Text and Audio) Title: Four Questions, Part One Over the course of the next two weeks we will be looking at these two verses that may seem rather straight-forward.  But the reason I want to spend two weeks there is because after really reading and studying these verses I believe at least four questions need…

Matthew 18:10-11 (Part Two)

Matthew 18:10-11 (Part Two)

Series: The Gospel of Matthew

(Text and Audio) Title: Four Questions, Part Two In the summer of 1998 I went to work as a Christian Camp Counselor in Southern Missouri.  It was an interesting summer, as this particular camp worked with inner city youth, mostly African American, from cities all over the South and Midwest like Atlanta, St. Louis, Memphis,…

Matthew 18:12-14

Matthew 18:12-14

Series: The Gospel of Matthew

(Text and Audio) Title: The One Sheep (Read verse 12) Now, I will admit, this may be a bit of an “alternative” take on verse 12, and it may even seem that I’m weaving my personal conviction and spin into this verse the way I’m about to explain it, but I want to tell you: …