Matthew 6:22-24

Matthew 6:22-24

Series: The Gospel of Matthew

(Audio and Text) Title: God and Mammon If I am a high school football coach and I have uniforms and equipment for 70 players, and 100 students show up to play football, what do I do? (Hold tryouts) And on what criteria might I make my decision on who makes the team? (Who is helpful…

Matthew 6:28-34

Matthew 6:28-34

Series: The Gospel of Matthew

(Audio and Text) Title: Worry (Part Two) Last week we took in the overview of Jesus’ teaching on worrying in verses 25-27.  Today Jesus will go into more detail concerning the two main areas of worry that most regularly consume us and then he will remind us of a few great theological truths that we…

Matthew 7:1

Matthew 7:1

Series: The Gospel of Matthew

(Text Only, Audio did not properly record.) Title: Judgment (Part One) About five years ago I preached a sermon on John 3:16 and I titled that sermon, “The Most Misunderstood Verse in the Bible.”  I did that because I was so sick and tired of people, both believers and non, misquoting and misrepresenting what that…

Matthew 7:2-5

Matthew 7:2-5

Series: The Gospel of Matthew

(Text and Audio) Title: Judgment (Part Two) Last week as we began this three part series on judgment, we looked mainly at the difference between judgment and discernment.  The conclusion that we drew to was this:  one kind of judgment (condemning someone for their faults) is expressly forbidden, but another kind of judgment (which we…

Matthew 7:6

Matthew 7:6

Series: The Gospel of Matthew

(Text and Audio) Title: Judgment (Part Three) I fully recognize that it’s been two weeks since we’ve been in Matthew and as we wrap up our three week series on judgment, I want to make sure that we take a moment to review what we’ve learned so far, because today is, by far, the most…

Matthew 7:7-8

Matthew 7:7-8

Series: The Gospel of Matthew

(Text only) Title: The Tenacious Pursuit I want to fully confess that I went back and forth on how to prepare this lesson.  I prayed, I read other theologians, I did research online.  In the end, I decided only to do teaching this morning on these two verses because I think there is a deeper…

Matthew 7:9-12

Matthew 7:9-12

Series: The Gospel of Matthew

(Text and Audio) Title: Encouragement Through Rhetoric About two months ago Mary and I dusted off our LOTR trilogy DVDs and watched all three movies in about a week.  It’s been well over five years since we’ve seen them and I’m always struck with how my reaction to these films changes over the years.  Namely,…

Matthew 7:13-14

Matthew 7:13-14

Series: The Gospel of Matthew

(Text and Audio) Title: Narrow Means Narrow I have to very careful this morning.  I’m already wound-up, fired up, and ready to start screaming…and we haven’t even prayed yet.  If you’ve looked ahead at today’s passage you may know why why I feel this way. Jesus’ words here cut right to heart of a matter…

Matthew 7:15-20

Matthew 7:15-20

Series: The Gospel of Matthew

(Text and Audio) Title: Identifying False Teachers Jesus’ famed “Sermon on the Mount” which we have been studying in late September runs from the beginning of chapter 5 of Matthew to the end of chapter 7.  And in this last section of the sermon, beginning in chapter 7,  Jesus talks to us a lot about…

Matthew 7:21-23

Matthew 7:21-23

Series: The Gospel of Matthew

(Text and Audio) Title: Lord, Lord A Claim (supposedly) points to a truth, but it is not Truth itself  Twice in this passage, once in v. 21 and then again in v.22 we see Jesus use the example of “Lord, Lord.”  Any guesses as to why?  (Take answers.) The doubling of a name was actually…

Matthew 7:24-29

Matthew 7:24-29

Series: The Gospel of Matthew

(Text Only) Title: Matthew 7:21-23 Well, today, after almost six months, we conclude the Sermon on the Mount.  My hope and prayer is that you have learned and enjoyed as much as I have and today, as we look at Jesus’ final lesson to his audience from this sermon, my hope is to help you…

Matthew 8:1-4

Matthew 8:1-4

Series: The Gospel of Matthew

(Text and Audio) Title: Tell No One Today we begin a new chapter in the Gospel of Matthew, both literally as we move from chapter 7 into chapter 8, and figuratively, in that Matthew’s Gospel is now going to focus on miracles and events in Jesus’ life over the course of chapters 8 and 9. …