Matthew 8.28-34

Matthew 8.28-34

Series: Miscellaneous

Title: All Things Move Toward Their End Intro: Today’s passage is one that most of us are familiar with.  It is a sensational, detailed story of Jesus driving demons and the people’s response to these events.  If we take the time to look closely, I’m confident that some details will present themselves that will make…

Matthew 5:1-10

Matthew 5:1-10

Series: Miscellaneous

Title: The Rabbi’s Gospel Last week one of the ideas that I asked you to keep as a feather under your cap was this concept of just how Jewish Jesus was.  I explained that Jesus, as a Jew himself, reaching out to other Jews, was teaching in places and using methods that would be familiar…

1 Corinthians 11:17-34

1 Corinthians 11:17-34

Series: Miscellaneous

Title: “The Lord’s Supper” Intro:This morning I have prepared a short message (a sermonette, if you will) to explain the second sacrament that we, as Baptist regularly observe.  Just as last week when we looked at baptism, today I want to take a close look at the Lord’s Supper so that we, as a church…

Romans 6:1-4

Romans 6:1-4

Series: Miscellaneous

Title: “On Baptism” Intro:Pastorally, I feel like today was too good of an opportunity to miss.  Last week we taught on The Lord’s Supper, and today, Lucy Ronk is getting baptized.  I  therefore thought it would be appropriate to teach on the other sacrament, baptism, so that all of you have a very clear understanding…

Matthew 18.12-14

Matthew 18.12-14

Series: Miscellaneous

Title: The One Sheep (Read verse 12) Now, I will admit, this may be a bit of an “alternative” take on verse 12, and it may even seem that I’m weaving my personal conviction and spin into this verse the way I’m about to explain it, but I want to tell you:  It’s actually just…

Matthew 4:18-22 (With Edge Corps Missionary Nathan Loughry)

Matthew 4:18-22 (With Edge Corps Missionary Nathan Loughry)

Series: Miscellaneous

(Text and Audio) Title: The Calling v.18  “casting their nets into the sea; for they were fishermen”  Peter and Andrew were simply being who they were.  It was in their nature to cast nets into the sea, that is the life that they had known, and I’d be willing to bet that they did not…

1 John 2:12-14

1 John 2:12-14

Series: Miscellaneous

(Text and Audio) Title: An Exercise in Title Two fathers and two sons go fishing.  Each one catches a fish.  At the end of the day, there are three fish caught.  How is this possible?  (Take answers.) The reasons riddles are so infuriating is because the answers are often quite simple, but they require that…

Matthew 2:1-6 (Christmas Eve Service)

Matthew 2:1-6 (Christmas Eve Service)

Series: Miscellaneous

(Text and Audio) Title: Herod’s Worries and the Joy of Christmas Amongst Christians and scholars there has been much talk of how and when we date the birth of Jesus.  As I’m sure you know, when Jesus was born, the entire world didn’t just decide that was the appropriate time to change the calendar to…

James 4:13-15

James 4:13-15

Series: Miscellaneous

(Text and Audio) Title: Best Laid Plans and our New Year’s Resolutions What’s Good about New Year’s Resolutions?  What’s Bad? (Read/Pray) Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town and spend a year there and trade and make a profit”—yet you do not know what tomorrow…

Romans 8:37-38

Romans 8:37-38

Series: Miscellaneous

(Text and Audio) Title: For I Am Persuaded… To be sure, this is a powerful text.  But it is even more powerful when put into context, coming at the conclusion of Paul’s dialogue on what power the enemy really has over our lives.  I think one of the personal conclusions I’ve come to in our…