Peter’s Denial (Part One) Sunday School Series

Peter’s Denial (Part One) Sunday School Series

Series: Peter's Denial (Sunday School Series)

Part One: The Car Crash, Instinct, and Four-Letter Words. Peter gets a bad rap, can we all agree? But can we just be real for a moment and also agree that what Peter does is bad.  It’s really bad. J.I. Packer says this, “All the Gospels record this incident, showing how deeply it impressed the…

Peter’s Denial (Part Two) Sunday School Series

Peter’s Denial (Part Two) Sunday School Series

Series: Peter's Denial (Sunday School Series)

Part One: Unique Contributions Last week’s teaching from this passage focused on one single question:  Was Peter’s sin a matter of premeditated betrayal, or a weak instinct of the flesh toward self-preservation? For those of you who enjoyed our parallel study of Jesus’s arrest in the Garden from a few months ago, today you are…

Peter’s Denial (Part Three) Sunday School Series

Peter’s Denial (Part Three) Sunday School Series

Series: Peter's Denial (Sunday School Series)

Part Three: The compound nature of sin, and the point of the whole story. Today we reach the third and final installment of our series covering Peter’s denial of Jesus.  Two weeks ago, we considered the question of whether or not Peter’s denials were pre-meditated, a reaction of the flesh, or something else entirely.  Last…